

'My art is the dynamic interaction of bright colors under the light of the sun.'
(Elisa Schaar)

Since 1999 I am working in the style of Abstract Expressionism, incorporating my profound knowledge of the color psychology. During the painting process I develop my expression of transformed sensory and psychic energy in a dialog with colors, shapes and structures. This procedure happens by an intuitive interaction between internal dynamic and abstraction in the external expression. I paint with acrylic on canvas using spatulas, trowels and wipers as instruments. These instruments I use in a targeted manner in order to direct colors, textures and layers for achieving the planned dialectic.
The artworks are reflecting vitality and vigor, profundity and intensity, frequently combined with floating airiness, with poesy and magic in their abstraction.
My paintings express the tension between sensuality und polychromatism on the one hand, concept and line on the other, without giving up the scope. The movement usually follows the same direction. from bottom left to top right. This illustrates positive energy, dynamic, optimism, strength and vitality.
It is about sensual perceptions and sensations, inner experiences and emotions, invisible realities such as depth, beauty an the aesthetics of life. I paint what can be felt on the skin and what gets underneath the skin. This is only possible in an abstract way.
A painting is like a musical composition that evokes associations and moods, feelings and memories. Each viewer experiences this in their own way, with their own individual pattern of percepcion. It is always a topic of resonance, If my artworks resonate and make something resonate in the viewer, then the dialog has arisen. A painting is an offer, an invitation, a creation beyond the world of words.